Thursday, October 2, 2014

Seven Days of Yellow

Beans's favourite colour is yellow, and somehow her wardrobe is beginning to reflect that more and more, so she decided that she would wear some item of yellow for an entire week during the summer holidays.

 Sunday -- and yes, she wore the cowboy boots to church. :o) Dress is from Goodwill. (Bad photo, I know.)

 Monday. Darling little blouse -- Goodwill.

T-shirt. Formerly mine, but I outgrew it. :oP From Sears.

Circle skirt. Made by me from fabric bought at a thrift store.

Tank top from Sears. Originally worn for our Philippines Independence Day Party last year.

Different yellow tank top with floral shirt that has yellow flowers in it of course! :o)

She did wear this shirt in her week of  yellow, but I forgot to take a photo. This is for a Fifa party during her last week of school. Notice the yellow socks too!

Well, there you have it. She does own enough for a week of yellow -- and then some. :o)



  1. Jo loves yellow too, but for him it's all about the Minions! I like this wearing of yellow better x

  2. She is so cute; and the yellow looks beautiful on her. Makes me want to wear more yellow. I enjoyed seeing all of your clean out and closet; its always inspiring to me to see peoples closets. Hope you're having a great fall.

  3. She is absolutely adorable :D I love yellow, but it doesn't look good on me unless I'm really tan (skin tones or something?) so I tend to use it more around the house than on my body ;D So bright and cheery, though!

    1. I look ghastly in yellow too -- no matter how tanned I am. I am always surprised that she pulls it off so nicely.

  4. Ha I think she really likes yellow :) beautiful and I am with you I can not wear yellow but she looks great in it!! ~Is she ready for winter though does she have a yellow sweater? Love Heather

  5. Your kids are ALL such cutie-patooties! (No matter what color they are wearing.)

  6. fun!! I love yellow too :) just doesn't look good on me, but I'll admire it on everyone else!!


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