Monday, November 4, 2013

Simple Woman's Daybook

Outside my window: Overcast skies, fog over the mountains, maybe some rain soon. Hopefully not enough to deter our plans for the day.

I am hearing: The shower running, the cooling system circulating, the kettle starting to boil.

I am pondering: I'm actually trying not to ponder anything, but it's just inevitable, so I am pondering various things about the children -- school projects, behaviors, etc.

I am praying: for my parents who are watching all seven children for us this week. THEY are going to need a vacation next week!

I am thankful for: quality time away with my husband, time to rest and rejuvenate (I was needing that really badly), a company that encourages spouses to come along on conference trips.

I am wearing: my favorite cotton nightgown.

I am going: as long as it doesn't rain Huntington Gardens. We've been there before and it's so beautiful!

I am reading: I brought five books with me. The two I am reading at the moment are: Beauty Rising by Mark W. Sasse and Volleyball Steps to Success by Bonnie Kenny and Cindy Gregory.

I am looking forward to: longs walks, sleeping, reading, eating food I didn't have to make, drinking my coffee hot.

In the kitchen: I wrote out a menu plan (which come to think of it, I don't think I layed it out on the counter with the other things. Mom, it's in the drawer where the note paper is.)

I am creating: nothing this week.

One of my favorite things: alone time with my husband.

Wise words: Things of quality have no fear of time.

A picture thought I am sharing:

Well, it's going to have to wait. We didn't bring the card reader for the camera. Bummer!



  1. No pictures this time? No worries - I can just soak in the beauty of your last post's photos!

    So glad you and your husband can get away - a whole week! And how thankful we are for parents we love and trust, and that you CAN leave the kids with them and get away with a peaceful heart.

    Praying for a refreshing time for you and your husband :D


  2. Um, that was kind of weird - I guess I made it sound like we share parents. I MEANT that I'm thankful that we both have the kind of parents we love and trust... yadda yadda yadda. Not the SAME parents. Sheesh. I think I'd better get some tea!

    Julie G

  3. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!

  4. It is wonderful that you are having a nice week away. It is important to spend time alone with the hubby, and not always an easy thing to do when we have big families. Loved all the pictures in the previous post, what a wonderful recap of Fall. The camp out looked like fun. We had talked about doing one, but didn't get to it (we are remodeling the kitchen instead haha). I think your school colors are the same as ours. Eddie plays soccer, and looks just like one of your players :). Have a great rest and a lovely time with your hubby.

  5. I'm having so much fun catching up on your blog since we made a quick trip back into civilization. Hope your trip left you full and overflowing!


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