Wednesday, June 23, 2010


We were in a state of shock for awhile yesterday. It was good shock though. Now that the shock has worn off a bit we're simply just excited to see what God has in store for us.

Our adoption agency (as do all agencies that work with the Philippines) regularly receives a waiting children list. Yesterday morning a sibling group caught our agency practitioners' eyes, so P called asking if we would be interested in this particular group. The children are healthy, it's just that they're on the waiting list because they're a sibling group. We have a photo, but for security reasons, I am not allowed to post it. They are the sweetest little things though!

Today we get the ball rolling to receive more information about them. Let me clarify that this in no way says that these Little Ones will definitely become part of our family. This list goes out to agencies around the world that adopt from the PI, so we will not be the only applicants. It is up to the ICAB (Inter Country Adoption Board) in the PI to make the best match.

So yes, after the initial shock for all of us, we're quite excited to see where our Lord leads. We would appreciate your prayers that whatever happens is God's will not ours.


  1. Wow, indeed!!! How exciting! I'll be praying!

  2. Deborah,

    How exciting! I will pray that if these are the children who were meant to be part of your family, that ICAB will make the match...and do so quickly!

    Much love...

  3. Oh how exciting!

    Must be hard not to get attached before things are official!

    Can you reveal genders?


  4. Julie,

    Much to Bub's initial disgust, more sisters :o). We told him we'll make sure our new dog is a boy ;o).


  5. My prayers are with your family!

  6. Oh how exciting!!! Praying for you guys, and those little ones too!!!!! I am giving you a hug right now thru the computer. I am so excited for u!!!!!!!!

  7. How exciting! I pray everything works out for you guys :)

  8. Oh Bub, he'll be the king of the kid castle (and someday a fantastic husband and father)
    I'm so excited for you!
    Why don't you get the boy dog now?

  9. Lol! Pom Pom that's what we told him!

    I would love to get him a dog right now, but with all the stuff that might be going on in the next few weeks, I think we better hold off. Although, I saw the breed I think will be really good for our family in our animal shelter this week. He's so sweet!

  10. What wonderful news and such an exciting journey you are on. I can't wait to hear more.

  11. Whoo-hoo! Continuing to pray for your family and the upcoming transitions.

  12. Big WOW! How exciting for your family. Praying, praying, praying.


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