Julie over at Herding Grasshoppers does a post like this each Sunday after teaching Sunday school. I enjoy her posts so much, I thought I would post one too (I hope you don't mind, Julie), so I had the children write down their answers to the question, "What can we do to follow Jesus?"
1. Heape pepe (help people).
2. Hlap my Mom and Dad and Gamma and Gampa.
3. I can lisan to God.
4. Obey him.
Obey your mom and dad.
Don't fight.
Do share.
Don't be greedy.
5. Lisin to you mom and dad! Oday your God! and graga and grama. lisin to you techer and your family.
6. Obey him. lisen to your mom and dad. lisen to teacher and famdle (family).
Pray to him.
Obey Grandma and Grandpa.
7. Odey him.
8. hep you mam and dad.
Oh, now the pressure is on :0) Just kidding... glad you liked those. I'm not teaching S.S. this year, so I'll have to spring some on MY kids.
Thanks Julie! I was subbing this past Sunday. Our S.S. program is quite disorganized this year, so I'm not sure when I'll be teaching next, but I'll be sure to do it again when I teach. It is neat to see the children's responses.