Monday, October 27, 2008

It's Cold Outside!

It may be cold outside, but it's warm in the kitchen. The chilly, dreary day here has helped bring forth my desire to bake again.

I made a big batch of spice cupcakes, and some sugar cookie dough which the kids and I will cut into autumn shapes and decorate once they are finished their schoolwork for the day.

Then they will happily disappear, and I will be stuck with a big mess to clean up, but that's okay. I have to be out the door just after 6pm for a GEMS meeting, but prior to that no one has to go anywhere or do anything. We're even going to have a kid type supper because Daddy is out west on business for three days. He left very early this morning, but he'll be back in time Wednesday for the kids to go to AWANA and he and I to share a coffee together... alone!

Until then, I think I may do some more baking -- something else that has an autumn-like feel to it. Perhaps something with pumpkin...


  1. I love when this time of year rolls around because I finally get the urge to bake. I made pumpkin bread last Friday. :o) Spice cupcakes sound yummy - hope you'll post the recipe when you have time.

  2. Oooo, pumpkin sounds GOOD!

    This time of year brings out my love for my crock-pots (I have two.) I had some of last year's elk... a tough old guy... that cooked up tender and moist, with some potatoes, carrots and onion. Simple and good :0)


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