Wednesday, February 26, 2014

GEMS Craft Night

Another busy momma of four and I are the craft leaders for our girls' GEMS club. It works out to about one craft a month for each of us. In my humble opinion, that works out great for me. I have lots of time to prep between my weeks (although I have been known to procrastinate) and I can get pretty excited about doing a craft with 33 girls aged 8 to 14 years.

This week was my turn and we had fun with canvases. Wow! It was quiet in the room. Apparently painting is the way to keep girls busy and content. I snapped a few pictures quickly at the end, so that you have an idea of what we did. I know there are several variations of this project on Pinterest, so be sure to have a boo around there for more ideas.

 The 'joy' one is the sample I made to give the girls an idea. Bella's is the one on the bottom right.

I love the variety and creativity of the girls canvases. Not one canvas was even close to the same as the next. Now to come up with a spring time craft for the end of March. I'm thinking it should involve painting. :o)


  1. Beautiful crafting!
    It is so nice to meet you.
    Thanks for commenting on my blog.
    Blessings :-)

  2. What wonderful colours! Now you have reminded me that I have not painted anything lately. I must get back to that, even if it's just doing something as loose and free as this! I do wish they had let me play in the paint like that when I was young. I'd be so much further ahead by now.

  3. I love the idea; I would love to come over there and help you and paint with you. There is something about painting that makes you quiet, cozy and happy. I like that you do this kind of thing once a month.

  4. Wonderful that all the girls enjoyed painting...sometimes there are girls in a group who are timid about creative things. I love your idea, and your enthusiasm.

  5. Looks like you ladies had lots of fun together!

  6. that looks like so much fun!!!!! I think I'll do this with my kids :)


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