The bad news is that it's not as simple as fluid in the ears and a quick surgery to have tubes put in to correct her hearing. We learned she has mild to moderate hearing loss in her right ear and moderate to severe hearing loss in her left ear. She can hear things best at mid pitch. Low pitched things are sometimes heard, and high pitched things are generally not heard at all. It makes us wonder how Peanut has any conversations with Bright Eyes considering the high pitch of Peanut's voice. Just kidding, but she does talk very high. I'll have to interview them one day and post it.
The good news is that this hearing loss can be solved. She might never hear without the help of some type of device, but that's the great thing about technology today, she will be able to hear.
After our visit with the audiologist and the specialist, we scooted over to the hospital to have her give blood, so that she can have a CT scan. It is hoped that this scan will give us further insight into Bright Eyes's inability to hear well, and rule out any disease that may be affecting her hearing. The doctor says that he highly doubts any disease will have caused, or is causing the damage as typically when a child is this young, they were born with hearing issues.
In the meantime, we make small adjustments to enable her to hear and understand what is going on as much as possible. The children get new seating arrangements tomorrow at school and Bright Eyes will sit in the front row with her right ear facing the teacher instead of her more impaired deaf ear. Tennis balls are being applied to the desks and chairs in the classroom. We all speak louder and more slowly when addressing Bright Eyes and we make sure we've made eye contact so that she knows we are talking to her.
I need to go over the list again of the other things to do that are helpful to her as I know I've forgotten some again.
Top photo: a rare smiling moment in the Philippines. Above photo: The glazed look. We are so happy to rarely see this expression anymore! No wonder we didn't have a lot of happy moments with her in the Philippines. Good grief! It's bad enough she was away from everything she was used to, but then not to hear well and not even in her own language? This little girl is really nothing short of amazing!
Stay tuned for part three to this story, coming soon :o)!
You're starting a new adventure, for sure! I'm glad to help in any little way I can :D What a difference the HA's will make for her!
I'll keep Bright Eyes in my prayers. I know this is a difficult time, but how wonderful that the technology exists to allow her to hear!
So thankful that you guys are getting this figured out! You are a good mama to all seven of those blessings :-)
ReplyDeleteOh wow, what a huge thing to discover. I am so glad there is help for her to be able to hear.
ReplyDeleteI will be following this part of the story with special interest as I have a grand niece who has suddenly become deaf in one ear. She now has her assistive devices though she is only tolerating their use during class time at the moment. As someone who wears a hearing aid myself, I know that they don't work the same way our ears do, and it takes a little time for our brain to learn to work with them. At first things will seem very loud and Bright Eyes will suddenly hear things she may never have heard before (like the fridge or the kettle, etc) and not be able to identify those sounds. Malls and other crowded, noisy places may get on her nerves, as they are rather overwhelming when the sounds are amplified, but not filtered as they would be by our own ears. Please reassure her that her brain will soon learn to make more sense of the noise around her and she will soon be able to forget she even has the electronic help. Many people, as you may know, give up too quickly, and the hearing aids end up in drawer somewhere. Patience is often needed in the beginning. Today's hearing aids are marvelous little computers and I know her life will be so much better when she can finally hear what's going on around her.
ReplyDeleteI'm so thankful you figured out that she has a hearing impairment. Now to move forward. You're a good mom.
ReplyDeleteYet another testimony of how the LORD chose her for your family. Beautiful, isn't it?