Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Late last night, we received an email from our adoption director via our social worker that our daughters likely won't be home for Christmas. Seeing as we had to make an amendment to our Ontario documents (We were approved for two children age six and under, not three age seven and under), we won't receive our actual proposal from the Philippines until that goes through. Travel time is usually three to four months from the time the proposal is received. So, yeah, we're feeling a little blue. It means that not only will one more Christmas go by but another birthday will go by for two of the girls before they can be home with their forever family. However, God's ways are mysterious :o)! We continue to pray that it is in HIS time and not ours!


  1. Oh, Deborah, I'm so sorry. Can you send a Christmas box? I pray a miracle will occur and time expectations will be wrong. I'm sorry you all are feeling blue. Sometimes we don't understand the mysterious ways of our Savior, but in hindsight it will make sense. Sending love to all of the db's. xo

  2. Deborah,
    I'm so sorry. I know how it feels to have your hopes up for travel only to have them change (this happened to me with our adoption of Becky). I won't pretend that it's not frustrating, and I don't know how encouraging these words are, but I remember being so upset at all Lily's little milestones that I missed (I was devastated when I learned in her update report that she was already walking at 10 mos.). All I can say is that in the end, you are going to have so many future milestones to celebrate with your girls. They will far outnumber those that you missed. Hang in there! I'll be thinking about you.

  3. Oh, sweet friend, my heart aches with you over this news. I am praying now for God to bring comfort and that He will help you to be patient as you wait for His perfect timing.
    Please know that I continue to hold you and your three little ones in my prayers.
    God is good...all the time!
    grace to you

  4. praying, praying, praying!!! I just want to hug you right now. I am so sorry. You are right though, His ways we do not understand! Love you!

  5. Waiting is such a horrible roller coaster. I'm sorry that you got the bad news. Keep hoping in our Lord...

  6. Oh, I am sorry to hear this, too. Isn't it comforting to know that God is taking care of those little girls and that he is there with them even now, delighting over your girls, quieting them with His love and rejoicing over them with singing? I pray He will encourage your heart today. It does seem such a long way away and waiting is one of the hardest things ever. Hugs from Texas. ~Leslie

  7. so sorry you have to wait...we'll pray it goes as fast as possible!

  8. oh,
    this still has to hurt.

    you share with grace though,
    of course.

    hugs , Deborah

  9. Dear Friend,

    I will be praying for you and your family.I love your faith in God`s timing.
    Call me when you are free for a coffee.

  10. I am feeling a little blue myself today. Two ladies at my work are expecting and they held the baby shower for them today. Another reminder that I am as yet not a mother - and for us its been a long 6 years so far waiting...

    You will bring them home soon. Keep the faith and it will happen sooner than you expect.

  11. I'm so sorry to hear that. Time between knowing our children to picking them up is sooo hard!

    We just found out our 2nd application to the Philippines was rejected and although we were very upset, we know that God has another plan for us. We are now looking at another country and are excited to see what is in store for us!

    Hope you meet your girls soon!

    Jessica :-)

  12. Deborah,

    Thanks for adding my button. It looks cute on your blog! I'm so glad the stories from the asylum that is my home can cheer you up. I have a doozy coming up tomorrow! Hang in there and keep laughing!

  13. Awww man )= It totally stinks even when you know it's all in God's plan. Doesn't mean you have to like it. Let's start a - "We are boarding a plan and traveling right now so have our children at the front door" club (;

  14. I hate to hear this. (((((HUGS))))) Will be keeping ALL of you in prayer. His ways are mysterious indeed, but we have to remember He knows best (which I know all too well is easier said than done).

  15. It is so hard to give thanks in all things. Praying for all of you.

  16. well that just stinks, darn it!

    Praying for you,


  17. Dear Sweet Friend,
    You have been on my heart all week. I have been in prayer for you and your family as you work through this news and process the feelings of grief that this set back must bring into your hearts.
    I miss you terribly and pray that God is holding you close right now.
    grace and peace to you

  18. Dear Kerrie and Jason, and Bubbis,

    Thank you for your sweet words of encouragement! Hang in there! It's a long road and even though it's (very) frustrating at times, we know that God is in control. Keeping each of you in my prayers that you may too soon hold a(nother) precious child in your arms.

    Hugs and blessings!!


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