Tuesday, August 3, 2010


We've always had monarchs, but have never seen a viceroy until now.

He's a little worse for wear, but still so beautiful.


  1. So gorgeous! What a great photographer you are, Deborah!

  2. Great photo, Deborah. How do you tell the difference between this and a Monarch??

  3. Beautiful just Beautiful....I am thinking a butterfly for my next tattoo lol!!:D

  4. Oh, what a beauty. I bet it could tell some tales.

  5. Thank you for sharing! I have never seen one in real life...only pictures!

  6. Beautiful! I've only seen one this year, and lots of monarchs. Have you seen any black swallowtails? Pete saw only one last week, and me none. We've had quite a few in the past years.

  7. Great pic! We've had a ton of butterlies this year which has been super fabulous. Ours are yellow. Not sure what they're called.

  8. The butterflies have been beautiful in our parts this summer!
    I can remember a time about two years ago in late summer while at the coast. The beach was covered with dead monarchs. I have not seen such a sight before or since then.


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