Today is Valentine's Day. We don't usually make a big deal of it in our house, although some of us love the cinnamon heart candy a little too much, and we all love to make and decorate sugar cookies every year. I do love the brightly coloured hearts and other such LOVEly items scattered about the house this time of year. February can be so dark and dull yet in this part of the world.
Saturdays are anything but typical around here. Some days they're busy; some days they're quiet. Today, the Engineer and I were rudely awakened at 5:11 am by five chattering, giggling girls. We traded Bub yesterday afternoon for two girls. Now I'm thinking our friends' got the better end of the deal by having the three boys. I am sure it was quiet there before ten and that no one was up at 5 am.
I told the girls that they had to turn out the lights and go back to sleep. It was quiet for maybe five minutes and then they all had to use the bathroom. Finally peace -- or so we thought! The noise woke the dog up, so she started whining from her crate to be let outside. The Engineer got up and let her out, and we finally had some peace again until 7:15 am.
Up and at it! The previous night's dishes are done, a load of laundry is in the dryer, another is folded, the cookie dough is in the fridge waiting to be rolled, and I sanded some walls that we are repainting.
The girls enjoyed playing together and destroying :o) their bedroom and the basement. Our two extra girls left just before lunch, and I set our three to work tidying their bedroom. The basement was surprisingly tidy already.
While they were tidying their rooms I cleaned both the bathrooms. Then I wrote out our menu for the week. I have discovered that our week goes much better if I have a menu written out and do so before we go do groceries. It saves on the grocery bills too!
It was ridiculously busy at the grocery store today! We usually go on Friday evenings, but with the kid switcheroo, we didn't think it would be nice to drag all five girls out to the grocery store. They had far more fun watching the movie Milo and Otis.
I am baking the sugar cookies while my brood watches last night's movie over again. The Engineer who is a great help is vaccuuming the house. I think he does a better job than I do.
The kids are all early to bed tonight. They're having a junk food supper of store bought fries and chicken nuggets. *Cringe!* We're having our dinner later -- Thai food -- while we watch a movie. It will be a quiet evening to a busy day!
Enjoyed reading about your Saturday... my favorite day of the week! :o)
ReplyDeletehope you have a wonderful evening!