In the meantime, here are a few of the things that I have been doing while not being daily devoted to my blog:

-- tidying and sorting through piles and piles of papers, magazines, etc. (I still have a couple more to do).
-- doing paperwork. Lots of paperwork...
-- learning how to run Peach's sewing machine. (She already knew how to work it, but I didn't). It runs beautifully.
-- started sewing some skirts for the girls.
-- made some plans for some more sewing projects.
-- finished the last of my plans for our school year. We should be done the middle of May.
-- cleaned out, purged, and reorganized our crawl storage.
-- playing and laughing with my children
-- making cards.
-- did a couple of kid exchanges.
-- reading
-- continuing to take pictures for Project 365.
-- attempting to paint or repaint a few rooms.
-- exercising (!!!)
-- marvelled at some sunshiney days that were above freezing!!
-- I think I've figured out a time that will work for more frequent blogging again. I miss it, so I will continue to fit it in when time allows.
So I'm not the only one going through piles of papers! I'm almost finished with ours ... I think. I haven't looked at a couple of drawers in our entertainment center for fear of the piles that might be hiding in there!