On Wednesday we drove about twenty minutes to drop Bub off for his week of camp. This camp (see
http://www.blogger.com/www.calvinistcadets.gospelcom.net/ and click on events) only happens once every three years and never in the same place twice. Boys -- this year there were 1200 -- come from all over North America for a week of rapelling, canoeing, mountain biking, service projects, Christian artists and speakers, and of course camping in the wilderness in handmade shelters.
There were cars as far as the eye could see and luggage everywhere!

Bub was a little nervous as he hiked off into the unknown, to build his shelter and meet his bunkmates for the week.
Meanwhile, back at camp, Squirt suddenly decided she was going to learn to ride a bike, and she did exactly that. Hooray! We officially have four children who know how to ride a two wheeler! I took these through the chainlink fence so she wouldn't realise I was watching her. She was concentrating really hard.

The Engineer got in some much loved reading time with "Red" the squirrel looking on. The girls were content to play at the playground which if it wasn't in our line of sight, was certainly within hearing distance. Most of the campers with us were wives and familes of the Cadet Counselors and/or boys, so needless to say, there were lots of girls to play with.

Northern Ontario's scenery is absolutely breathtaking. We managed a paddle to a small lake between thunderstorms on Thursday. It was Thursday that it began to rain and rain and rain. With the occasional break in showers. By Saturday, there were rumours going around camp that the boys were going to be evacuated.

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