Suddenly a flash of yellow caught my eye! We had a yellow swallowtail butterfly stop for some nectar too. He/she was in no hurry. I took pictures to my heart's content and then called the kids to come see too (The Engineer was having a nap). Bub and Peach also snapped a pile of pictures on their camera. Beans and Squirt lost interest and went off to play.
Sometime later, the Engineer and I were sitting on the west porch and what went fluttering by? A yellow swallowtail! It had to be the same one as they're not that plentiful around here.
The butterfly counts not months but moments, and has time enough. ~ Rabindranath Tagore
How lovely! My oldest is crazy about butterflies. We are still trying to learn all of the kinds around here. We haven't seen too many since spring rolled around. I hope that's not a bad sign. I never can get close enough to get a good photo when we do spot a few.