
Wednesday, May 8, 2013

We Read (Too Much Sometimes)

Our home is full of readers. Some a little more than others and some, sometimes just too much! :o) Peach declared in frustration last night, "I want to read, but I need to sleep!" Unlike Beans, she needs a lot of sleep. Beans will often be caught reading way past her bedtime. Bub has been known to be sleeping with the light still on in his room and a book on his face. Bella spends hours with her nose in a book too. Summer holidays are approaching fast and the children are all looking forward to reading and being read to.

The younger girls are looking forward to another book in the Little House on the Prairie series. With the three oldest children I'm trying to get my hands on the book, Do Hard Things. A Teenage Rebellion Against Low Expectations. by Alex Harris. I do think I have a gift certificate somewhere for one of our local bookstores, so I might have to order it.

What is on your book list for the summer?


  1. Love, love, love all these pics of the kids reading! Happy (and peaceful!) memories :D It's hard to imagine reading too much, but other activities call for my attention...


  2. I had to laugh at that first picture of breakfast and books. That is our table every morning! I love that they love to read, too, but have found myself saying often: stop reading and get moving! :) It's a good problem to have.

  3. Hi Deborah! So many books! I DO read a lot more in the summer and I LOVE it!

  4. Love this post. Love your family. This reminds me of my own children...eating while reading, doing everything while reading. And I guess I do it sometimes, too. We went to a Do Hard Things conference as a family when my older two were teens and we read the book. It's encouraging. I hope to do a lot of summer reading which will probably start consisting of next year's school books.

  5. Precious pictures of your readers. I remember those days most fondly.

  6. a family after my own heart :)

  7. Deborah, I loved your photos! As a child I could always be found all sorts of places. I still have that need, yet I can feel guilty if reading during the day...sad.

  8. I loved the Eva Ibbotson books when I was a teenager! Such fun reads! Glad to see they are still circulating about.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I love to hear from my readers!