
Saturday, May 11, 2013

A Week in Lists

I am a list maker. I use them to remember things and to keep me on track. If I don't make a list each day, I simply don't get things done. I fritter away the time surfing the web, reading (not that that's necessarily a bad thing), wandering from one thing to the next, and never actually finishing anything. When I make a list, I get far more done in a day than when I don't. Somehow seeing what needs to be done in print keeps me far more accountable than if it's just in my head. I find great satisfaction in checking off what gets completed.

Here is an example of this past week. This is a more or less typical week. The Engineer is not out of the country. A lot of activities have finished for the year. Bub is actually not home, but volunteering at a camp for five days, so there is one less child to clean up after.


make Dora back pack
make Junnie B hairband
make Katniss arrow holder
write grocery list
check sale flyers
spring clean great room
scrub the stove top with new cleaning tool
hang out load of wash
Helping Hands mtg. 7:30 pm
plant greens, beets, and radishes
update perpetual wall calendar


mow lawn
do groceries
go for coffee with friend 1pm
look for sandals while out


finish book
spring clean music room
rake grass
scrub large freezer
move stuff from small freezer to large freezer
proof Peach's English essay


A. CT Scan 7:15 am
put supper in the crock pot
music lessons
spring clean the Boy's room
vacuum basement
prune roses
hang frames in dining room
paint other frames
scrub small freezer


edit photo shoot
clean bathrooms
make pizza dough


orchestra performance night!

Even though Saturday only has laundry on it, there is still lots to do.As you can see, not everything on this list is crossed off. It doesn't always get done on the day it is marked under because life happens, and well the reality is, I can still get distracted. That's why Saturday is usually  left wide open except for laundry. Then I can work on those things that didn't get done earlier in the week.



  1. Wow...Impressive!! :)


    1. Thanks, Michlyn. I do have everyone in school two days a week this year and Peanut plays so well that I wish I could get more done, but I think I have adult A.D.D. ;o)

  2. That's a LOT!

    And I saw a CT scan there, was that Bright Eyes'? Or are you having migraines?


    1. No, not me. It was for Bright Eyes. She did great and we should have the results by the end of this week!

  3. Hurray for lists. I too am a list maker. I get such satisfaction watching things get crossed off throughout the day. Of course we won't talk about the pressure I feel on a day that doesn't go quite like I had hoped and I have to go to bed with naked chores staring at me accusingly.. :)

    Blessings, Debbie

    1. Yes, I don't like those days either, but alas, life doesn't always go according to plan, does it. :oS

  4. I am so totally a list maker too :) I don't do it by day but by category and then see what I feel like working on that day….I think I may try doing a day by day list instead, I like yours!


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