
Monday, April 1, 2013

A 30 Day Photo Challenge

I'm going to take up a challenge this month. Now that the days are longer and spring is (hopefully, finally) here, I need to pick up my camera and think a little harder about what I am taking photographs of, and how I am taking them, instead of just simply taking a photograph for memory keeping. My memory photos are simply snapshots most of the time. I'm not looking carefully at details. It's partly because I'm kinda lazy and partly because I know that the lighting in the heartbeat of our home doesn't suit beautiful clear photos and the reality is I don't care because I don't feel the need to have every one of my photos perfect. My perfect photos are for our sessions not an average day in the dB family household.

So without further ado, Day 1, Myself. Well, if this doesn't immediately take me out of my comfort zone!

Keep in mind, I am a photographer, and I know how to edit :o). If I was really good at editing I would have done something with that chunk of bang that decided to fall, but that is the real me. My bangs always misbehave. This is a pretty typical look for me. Jeans, long sleeve T, bare feet (which you can't see) maybe a necklace or scarf. More often my hair is up not down because it's ridiculously long right now. I keep thinking I should get it cut, but I like wearing it long in the summer so I can have it off my neck and can look a little less goofy in hats which I am officially dictated to wear by my physician these days.

I almost forgot to mention, I did get help with this photo. I set everything up, but Bub had the job of clicking the button.

To keep me on track, here's the list for the rest of the month.

Now if seeing a photo of me at the beginning of this month isn't shocking enough, I get to do it all over again at the end of the month. *Sigh!* How much can I really change in 30 days. Maybe I will get a haircut after all.

Anyone else interested in joining in?


  1. I am interested... let me see if I can pull this off...

  2. Oh my gosh, that's a great list, but I'm afraid to commit! And that's a GREAT picture of you - looks very natural and friendly :D


  3. I'm the world's worst photographer, but I'll enjoy looking at your pictures over the next month. And your self-portrait is gorgeous! By the way, my bangs never behave, either.


  4. Very pretty picture of you! Good for you taking a challenge. I look forward to seeing what you post.

  5. Fun!!!! I'm looking forward to this series :)

  6. You look beautiful! What a great challenge. Hmm...I'm only one day behind, maybe I will join in :)

  7. By the way, where did you get the list?

    1. Hi Beth,

      I'd love to have you join in! I found it here: I should have given credit in my blog post! Sorry about that!


  8. Thank you all for your kind words! I'm looking forward to seeing your photos too for those of you who are thinking of joining in!


  9. Might we jump in when we have the time and energy instead of committing to the whole month? This reminds me a little bit of "Snapshots Around the World" ( It's so fun to take a peek into different lives and cultures and realize that we really are quite similar!

    1. Yes, Joanna, that would be fun too! I know you're VERY busy these days, so to commit to everyday would be HUGE on your part. Feel free to join in on whichever days you can! I'm off to check out that website now! :o)

  10. O, lovely you are.

    Challenges are good for us...I'll enjoy reading your posts.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I love to hear from my readers!