
Friday, March 29, 2013

Take Me Home

"Father, into your hands I commit my spirit"
 Luke 23:46

Were it a war -- this world would be aftermath.
Were it a symphony -- this would be the second between the final note and the first applause.
Were it a journey -- this would be the sight of home.
Were it a storm -- this would be the sun, piercing the clouds.

But is wasn't. It was a Messiah. And this was a sigh of joy.

"Father!" (The voice is hoarse.)
The voice that called forth the dead,
the voice that taught the willing,
the voice that screamed at God,
now says, "Father!"

The two are again one.
The abandoned is now found.
The schism is now bridged.

"Father." He smiles weakly, "It's over."
Satan's vultures have been scattered.
Hell's demons have been jailed.
Death has been damned.
The sun is out,
The Son is out.

It's over.
An angel sights. A star wipes away a tear.

"Take me home."
Yes, take him home.
Take this prince to his king
Take this son to his father
Take this pilgrim to his home
(He deserves a rest.)

"Take me home."
Come ten thousand angels! Come and take this wounded troubador to
the cradle of his Father's arms!

Farewell manger's infant
Bless You holy ambassador
Go Home death slayer
Rest well sweet soldier

The battle is over.

~ From: No Wonder They Call Him the Savior by Max Lucado

**Image Source: MichaelHead


  1. Wow! "The second between the final note and the first applause." Perfect - thanks for sharing this beautiful picture of what Jesus did for us :-)

  2. Very Beautiful; Very Precious.

  3. Oh, I do like this. Thank you for sharing it.
    Happy Resurrection Day!


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