Friday, June 25, 2010

Going Camping

We're packing up to go camping. It's just for a weekend. My cousin emailed me asking if we were going to camp. We hadn't thought about it, but after he asked we thought , "why not?" It's only for two nights so no bikes are going, but we will pull our utility trailer. We're primitive campers. No hydro, no running water. We sleep in a tent, on mattresses, on the ground. Yep, we're a little crazy like that. Somehow, we enjoy it. Surrounded by birdsong, breezes, and mosquitoes. We set up in the rain and take down in the rain. Come home scratching every exposed part of flesh, to set up the tent and dry it out, air out the sleeping bags that are damp from the humidity, and dump a mountain of dirty, damp, smoke scented laundry on the floor.

Algonquin Provincial Park, Ontario, August 2009

Aaaah! I love camping! I'm really not sure why we do it though ;o).


  1. Those look like some good tents. Camping is fun, but I am not quit ready to attempt it with the chillin's:O)

  2. HA HA HA!

    Best line I've read in weeks:

    "I love camping! I'm not really sure why..."

  3. Alas, one area you and I are not kindred camping for me no siree! Have fun, I really wish I would like to camp because those that love it really do seem to enjoy it!

  4. You do it because it give you a chance to be together in a different environment, to enjoy God's beautiful creation and because it really is so wonderful to get away even if you are sleeping on a mattress in a tent with mosquitoes buzzing your ears!
    Have a wonderful weekend! Can't wait to read about your adventures and live vicariously through your words.

  5. I have never been camping! As much as I love nature, the thought just does not appeal to me. I think it's my fear of snakes..........

  6. We camped as a family when I was a kid. This is what I remember: roasting mashmallows and hotdogs over an open fire (fun), horseback riding (fun). The feeling of constantly being damp (disgusting), having to get up in the middle of the night in the pitch black darkness with a little flashlight and walking into the unknown in the cold, wet grass to go to the bathroom (terrifying), bugs (ick).

    Kudos to you, but for me, the cons far outweigh the pros. I'm content to roast my marshmallows and hotdogs on the gas grill on my patio and then retire to my air conditioned house where I can piddle in my own toilet with the lights on!

    I am truly a wimp.

  7. I love sleeping outside, too. You are good parents.


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