Friday, January 15, 2010

Random Blogginess

I feel like I've been MIA the last couple of days. I've been riveted to Twitter for news of Haiti, choosing not to watch television due to the graphic nature and perpetual children around. The girls know, but have seen virtually no images. Bub has seen a few. Being the visual person (and addicted photographer) that I am, I am blown away by the complexity and poignancy of some of the images.

It seems so strange that life here goes on in perfect chaotic normalcy while in another part of the world people are overwhelmed with fear and grief. But, continue it does and we've been busy.

We have managed, in two short weeks to fall behind in both history and science, so today was an attempt to catch up. While learning about New Zealand, the girls made kiwi birds from -- what else, but kiwis.

We had some more fabulous Filipino fare. Salmon stew, pan de sol (super delicious buns), and today we made avocado smoothies on Bub's request. At least now I know how to get the kids to eat avocados;o).

I've been diligently working on stuff for the photography business too.

I keep thinking if I can just get this or that done, I will be almost caught up. Meanwhile I get behinder :o) somewhere else. Ahh, such is life. We are abundantly blessed with the life God has given us and I shall not complain.


  1. Avocado smoothies? That sounds delish!What a fun mom, and teacher you are:)

  2. I know what you mean about the images.

  3. Avacado smooothies do share the recipe :) I agree with the news to graphic indeed! ~Do we ever get caught up?? Have a wonderful week ~Blessings Heather

  4. My oldest loves kiwi so I will have to surprise him sometime with one of these cute little birds on his plate. :)

  5. I am marveling over your avocado smoothies. I can't say i would want one though. Do you add a great deal of sweetener?


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