Wednesday, March 11, 2009

They're Back!!

Come the second week of March, I become a serious birdwatcher. Sure enough, on the sixth I could hear the contented warble of the red winged black birds in the ditches, followed a day later by the awkward "beep" of the common grackles in our maple trees. But nothing says spring like the arrival of the American Robin. A flock of them landed in our yard this evening just before six, and one even obliged me with a photograph.


  1. .....And sadly we've said goodbye to the American Robins. We were delighted to have a lot of them around here this winter though. For the Backyard Bird Count I believe we counted 130 or so of them just in our yard!

  2. Haven't seen any here yet, but I sure do love these birds for this very reason... SPRING! :o)

  3. Wow, that's great! Lovely photograph. Do you remember how corpulent the robins were the last time the cicadas came? They could barely hop from one to the other. :)

    I long to birdwatch (can I make that a verb?), but I can never FIND the birds in the foliage. They hide. Maybe getting good binoculars could be a start, and I want to get a birdfeeder on a pole this year, too.

  4. Love this photo. The other day, I saw a robin on our tree, surrounded by the same little buds- must be the same type tree. :)


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