After yesterday's wet almost winter-like weather, I took full advantage of the crisp sunny day today and hung out the sheets from the children's beds. There is something so peaceful about hanging laundry. Attempting to hop the crick. She is so fast that I can't get her or the background in focus!!
Accompanied by our crazy pup, all I could hear was the distant drone of a combine and a lonely cricket who had somehow survived the cold. I love tilting my face toward the sun and soaking in its golden rays. It is as if I am storing up for the long cold winter. These last days of fall are moments to treasure and enjoy.
After the laundry was hung, the children and I took a walk. We checked out our secret trail to the crick, to see if the water level had risen at all since yesterday's rains. Judging by the mud on our shoes and clothing thanks to a wild and crazy dog, I would have to say the water level is up a little.
Our bridge is simply a pile of twigs layed across.
Despite the brisk weather, and the waning colours, it was a wonderful time of listening to the children chatter, laugh, and simply enjoy each other's company. These times are such a gift.
Times like that are just lovely... store them up :0)