Monday, September 29, 2008

Fun Footwear

Randi at I Have to Say, has some really cool purple runners that she told us about in this post she wrote. (By the way, she always posts the most amazing links. You have to check out her blog)! It made me think of my one pair of really fun shoes that I bought last year. I love shoes, but I rarely buy shoes unless I know I will actually wear them. The reason being I have very large feet. At one time I hated that fact, but now that a great deal of the rest of the world has large feet, it is not so bad. I can actually find quite a variety of shoes in my size! I just have two questions. Most people with large feet are at least 5'8". So why oh why, would we want three inch heels???? Aren't we tall enough already?

The girls got some new footwear too. They thought they should wear them with their dresses. I stopped them in their tracks :-). They'll be able to wear them soon enough.

Gotta love the bedheads!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I don't know... I think they're snow-boots are very color-coordinated with their outfits!



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