Saturday, June 7, 2008

Saturday Solitude

It is just 7:30 pm as I write this and already the house is silent. Bub went on a camping trip last night and is exhausted, so he is already in bed and likely asleep. The girls are visiting Close By Gramma and Grampa's. I'm sure they're not in bed yet, nor asleep, but that is for Gramma and Grampa to decide.

The Engineer is outside doing what -- I have no idea, but I will find him shortly.

I have a clean house. I mean a really clean house! It is amazing! Honestly, it hasn't been this clean in months! It is incredible how a clean and tidy house can change your whole perspective on things. I actually feel relaxed and am pondering what I should do with myself this evening. I think I might work on some hand sewing and then maybe some record keeping for the kid's schoolwork. Or perhaps I'll go to the basement and see what needs to be done down there. Maybe I'll even sit with my feet up and gaze at my clean floors. What a thrill! :o)

Cherish the little things for they are usually the big things!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like it was a lovely day! I agree that we should cherish all the little things, for thats what life is made of :)


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