
Wednesday, April 3, 2019


In an effort to lose weight and also get fit again, I joined the gym last April. The original plan was to start lifting weights. I never made it there. Believe it or not, I hit the pool. And loved it. I did aquafit 2-4 times per week -- until August. Then I stopped. I had kids in day camps, family vacation, and lots of running around to do to send another kid off to university. I had planned to go back once all the girls were back in school, but it didn't happen. As daylight got shorter and the days colder, I could not bring myself to go back. Finally, I canceled my membership. Suffice it to say, I was once again doing absolutely nothing. Videos bore me to tears as do the apps for your phone. I have tried yoga, and various other online programs, and just don't enjoy it.  I am too cheap to set up a new membership because I know I won't get the full value out of it.

On the whole, I hate to sweat! In other words, exercise indoors is not the least bit enjoyable to me. I prefer to be outside. I also suffer from bone spurs in both my feet -- the right one being the most painful. I have orthotics, have done lots of the stretching exercises (they don't help). I even went to the extreme the other way and tried barefoot shoes (sadly, although I thought they were helping, in the end, they didn't help either). However, despite the pain, it has not prevented me from walking. Walking at a good brisk pace doesn't seem to bother me. At the end of February we were getting these beautiful, but cold sunny days. I desperately wanted to get outside. Unfortunately, walking near our home is not the best option even though I love to go to the bush in the back of our house. That bush, despite having some short trails, is also used for hunting and I always feel just a little unsafe -- especially with Leo wanting to run off leash.

A mere five minutes drive away is a natural habitat that used to be gravel pits. It is a very popular place for dog walkers as it is quiet and sheltered and the water-loving dogs have an area where they can swim. There are two loops with nice wide paths for walking and two trails that run through the bush. One is horribly muddy at this time of year, but the other one is pretty good even after we have had rain. Leo and I have been walking there almost daily for a month now. We walk anywhere from 35 minutes to an hour depending on how busy my day is and/or what the weather is like. He lives for going for his walk and I am loving it too. There is always something to see there! I am now looking forward to watching things green up!

1 comment:

  1. Indoor activities you might like are belly dancing and zoomba. I love both but they are no longer available here. So, like you, I walk. During the cold, icy weather, getting to the post office and back is about all I can stand. That's 10 blocks, minimum and 4 more if I go to the bank while I'm at it. It will soon be my kind of walking weather though, so I might join my hubby on his walk, or head off in a different direction as he likes to go faster than I can manage. There will be lots of exercise playing pick up sticks in my back yard for a while too, and then, of course gardening. I'm out of shape, but as well as fighting this aging process (bad feet, bad knees, bad hip) I really just want to fit into the clothes I own.


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