
Tuesday, February 12, 2019

What We Have Been Up To {Part 2}

Now for an update on the four girls that are still at home.

 Squirt is already in grade 11 and so focused on what she will do after high school that it's a little crazy! Her goal is to become a pastry chef and eventually own her own bakery She did a co-op at a nearby bakery (not the one her older sisters worked at as sadly, he gave up the business to move on to different things. They are still missed by many of us locals!) and learned the basics of cake and cookie decorating, as well as working with confections. She also just completed a semester of the foods course at school and loved every minute of it. A photography course and some business courses are also being completed this year.

She still swims on the swim team at school and likes to get involved in other activities at school as well. She got her braces on in February 2018.

Bella is in grade 10 this year. She is doing quite well. This past fall, she joined the army cadets and is really enjoying it. She is currently taking horseback riding as part of the cadet program. She continues to enjoy reading and really that is about it with her. We have been trying to cultivate other interests with her, but she shows no interest in doing much but reading. She is a bit of a mystery.

She got her braces on in March 2018.

Bright Eyes is in grade eight and it definitely going to be our smallest child. (Abygail is rapidly passing her in height.) Alendra now has an IEP (Individual Education Plan) so many of her subjects have been adjusted to her abilities. We have discovered that she will be able to go to the same high school as her older sisters and we are quite relieved about that. There are a few behavioral issues that we continue to try to work through with her. When she is at home, she loves to create -- whether it be drawing, colouring, baking, etc, just like her mom and her oldest sister. :) Alendra took up embroidery this Christmas and finished her first project just after the new year! I now have her learning cross-stitch as well.

Peanut is in grade 6. We are in the depths of establishing an IEP for her also. Her learning issues are quite different from Alendra's. We are curious to know and hopefully understand this girl better as there are many days where we feel we are banging our head against a wall with her. Aside from that, Abygail continues to be a social butterfly. She loves to read, colour, draw, play on the Wii, and if we let her, she would watch tv all day long.

She also has little fear as you might be able to tell by the cast on her arm. She fell off the monkey bars at school and broke her arm just two weeks before school got out and spent until mid-July in a cast.

This winter has been miserable for being outdoors. I think the four of them have been able to play outdoors twice and those two days were two of the coldest days of the winter so far. So the outdoor activities for all of them have come to a grinding halt. I hope we have an early and cooperative spring. Thankfully, everyone has been staying quite healthy so far this winter.

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