
Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Buh Bye 2016!!

I know! Here we are already ten days into the new year and I am finally saying goodbye to the old year. I guess blogging still won't make the priority list this year. I'm going to try, but I am not promising anything.

I won't say that I am unhappy to see the back of 2016, but I will say it wasn't one of my more memorable years in a positive sense. If I had to label it, I would call it the Year of No Accomplishments -- for me anyway.

I seriously did nothing. Perhaps that is why the huge absence of blogging. One would think that with all the children attending school again in September that I would be voraciously reading, cleaning and decluttering ( a never ending battle in this house) like a madwoman, photographing up a storm, and doing all manner of creative activities that I crave and love.

Nope. None of that happened. In fact, I spent three weeks in November on butt rest due to a stress fracture of my toe. Lame. (No pun intended.) I originally smashed it in May. I thought it had healed until I put on a pair of my favorite boots. Within an hour, I wanted to have my toe removed. It was awful. Suffice it to say, they are no longer my favorite boots. 😏

Those three weeks and the weeks since have not been entirely a waste. I did knit. A lot. I made hats. All my children plus a few extras received a touque for Sinterklaas this year. It was quite satisfying to know that I had made everyone a hat. 

I was so excited for September. I was craving quiet like crazy and hoping the quiet days would fuel me for the busy evenings and for about a month it did. I was walking (outdoors or treadmill) almost daily, I worked in my gardens, I baked, and I'm sure I did some other things too, but every day before I knew it, the girls were getting off the bus.

By October, I was unconsciously avoiding social interaction outside my family and a few close friends as much as possible. The butt rest the next month helped with that and it wasn't until late November, early December that I realized it. 

An emotional breakdown? Mid-life crisis? I have no idea. The crazy thing was and still is, I am content. My days are my own even if I don't do anything or go anywhere. My evenings mostly involve shuffling children to various activities, so I feel that I need the peaceful days. I have a select few friends that I love getting together with for coffee, but other than that I am happy to just be at home.

For 2017 I have set some goals and plans. I have put together my version of a bullet journal. Mine is absolutely nothing fancy. It contains most everything I do and the things I want to achieve. If I get brave, I might share portions of it.

So, happy 2017 ya'll! In case you are wondering, the rest of the crew here are all healthy and doing well. There is never a dull moment. 😁


  1. Miss you, Deborah :D Hope you have time to "drop in" here once in awhile :D

  2. Deb, sometimes you just have to do what you have to do. Butt rest doesn't sound fun or productive, but if you can't walk, you can't walk. Kinda need those feet!

    Wishing you blessing and energy and a creative New Year!
    God bless you.

  3. just now saw this... sounds a bit like my year... 2 surgeries had me resting more than ever before...
    Less running and now I have the extra pounds to prove it. Here is to a New Year! Glad you posted... I like checking in on you :)


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