
Thursday, April 7, 2016


Today I would really like to wash my floors. I mean really deep down scrub my floors! I actually enjoy scrubbing my floors. I'm not a mop kind of person. I have a steam mop for in between jobs, but when I want my floors really clean, I get down on my knees with my bucket, my cloth, and a scrub brush. It's a good feeling! Crank the tunes and away I go! I kinda feel like Cinderella, but I already have my prince. :o)


  1. How's your injured hand coming? CAN you scrub your floors? I love having mine sparkling clean, but the scrubbing.... ack. :D

    1. Any time you want to come scrub floors here, you are welcome! (You can even bring your Prince Charming.)

  2. I can honestly say "I do not like to scrub my floors!"
    How are you feeling?

  3. Lol! You ladies make me smile! My hand has healed beautifully! I don't go for the final x-ray until the end of April, but I have been puttering along with no brace or splint for about a week now. It does help that I am a lefty.:o)


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