
Monday, February 8, 2016

Another Sweet Sixteen

Today our second daughter turns sixteen. Originally due on the 15th of February, I was hoping for a Valentine baby, but to our surprise, she arrived almost a week early.

She developed a nice case of jaundice early on giving her what we called a tropical glow. With her dark rug of hair and her jaundiced glow,

she hardly looked like one of our babies, but that dark hair soon faded to blonde and she quickly lost the jaundiced look.

At her first birthday, she could apparently eat with her left hand and knew how to hold up one finger letting us all know she was one. Haha!

By two she was completely blonde (and still liked to eat), and I now had brown-eyed blonde baby I had dreamed of since I babysat a family of brown-eyed blondes when I was fifteen.

As a little girl, she was always cautious when it came to something new. Sometimes we didn't even know she was ready to learn something until she showed us that she already knew it. She could tie her shoes before we even taught her. New situations would often cause her to have what we call a cry fest unless she knew exactly what she was getting into ahead of time.

Homeschooling in the early years was a great choice for her as we quickly learned that she hates the drama of relationships -- especially girl drama. Her closest grade school friend turned out to be a boy. "Boys don't create drama!"  However, her other bestie (a girl) finished out grade school being homeschooled. They are still besties to this very day.

  Homeschooling her also allowed us to immerse her in the world of music. She is the most musical of our children and will likely go on to some sort of career in music.

The transition to high school was surprisingly easy and she has a great group of friends. One girl (who also hates girl drama) and two boys.

It's kinda crazy to think I have three children age 16 and up now. When they (whoever they are) say the times goes quickly, it really does! So far the teenage years have been interesting and fun!

Happy Birthday, Shayanne!! "The heart of a man (or woman) plans his (her) way, but the Lord determines his (her) steps." Proverbs 16:9


  1. Happy Birthday to your daughter...I just posted about the same thing how funny. Its hard to believe how quickly they grow up ~Heather

  2. It sure does go fast! Happy Birthday to "Beans" and congrats to you!

  3. Such a beautiful young lady - she seems to be very well grounded. Congratulations to her, but more to you for raising her. As they say in France: "Chapeau!" (I lift my hat to you!)


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