
Sunday, January 3, 2016

My 2016 Reading Challenge

Despite not reaching my reading goal for 2015, I have decided to embark on a new challenge for 2016. It isn't as lofty as 2015's, but it will still be a pretty hefty goal for me to accomplish -- especially if I want to continue whittling down the 2015 Book Challenge List.

I can't guarantee I will read all of these categories because despite several attempts at reading sci-fi, I just can't get excited about it, and really, a political memoir? 



  1. Have fun with your reading challenge, Deborah! There are so many good books to read!
    I hope you are staying warm and cozy in Canada! I KNOW you are a busy bee. I hope you are feeling well.

    1. What a great idea! I tend to get stuck in non-fiction, but this list looks like it's a good guideline for getting outside my reading "box". Thanks for sharing! (And, for some reason, my computer won't let me comment, but it will let me reply to a comment. So I did!)

    2. Lol! At least you could figure that out. I likely would have just given up. I'm like you. I read a LOT of non-fiction, so yes I like these challenges because they push me to read outside my comfort zone.

    3. Thank you, Pom Pom. There is a never ending list of books to read isn't there! It's been very cold here too the last couple of days, but we're keeping warm and busy as always. Feeling good again now! Stay warm too, dear Pom Pom!

  2. do you come up with the challenge yourself? or do you follow a list and then decide books from that list?

    1. forget the above...I see that if I click, I get the source of the challenge. Is it the same source for last year?

    2. Yes, I think so. Just some different topics -- and a few less books to read to meet the goal! :o)


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