
Wednesday, January 6, 2016

An Overnighter

This year there were no gifts under the tree and the stockings were virtually empty as we did something completely different. Our Christmas present to all the children was an afternoon watching the Trans Siberian Orchestra and a night away at a hotel.

We rented a 12 passenger van (we sold the Monster in June as we have 3 -- almost 4 drivers at home now. Our rental was identical -- except two years newer. Even the licence plate letters were almost the same!) and headed to Auburn Hills, MI.

We decided it would be fun to dress up. The lovely young lady on the left end is Nathanael's girlfriend Madi. We love her lots!

We were told that a TSO concert is amazing and we were not disappointed! Wow!! Peanut sat on the edge of her seat almost the entire time. The rest of them were mesmerized, as were the Engineer and I.

 Waiting (im)patiently for the show to start. {grainy photos compliments of my phone}.

We were in the "snow" zone. It was so cool!

After the concert, we had a very late diner at the Rainforest cafe. (Very long wait time to get a table for ten. So we strolled the mall and window shopped.) We hadn't been there in years! The kids that had been years ago, really had no memory of it, and the four youngest had never been. It was fun, but more of a been there done that thing. :o)

These would be so fun to have!

Then it was off to the hotel! The two youngest were put to bed and I went too (I was coming down with a migraine), while the rest went swimming and hot tubbing.

The next day, I got worse, but we had promised the older children they could do a little more shopping. I spent the drive home with my head in a pillow.

We crossed back into Canada on the ferry. I was glad to be home. I crashed, eventually went to the hospital to get a migraine cocktail and had a good long sleep.

Despite the interference of a lovely migraine it was still a great two day get away!


  1. Oh dear - so sorry about the migraine! But what a wonderful memory for the family :D

  2. So, so sorry you had a migraine, but otherwise the trip sounds wonderful. And your family is beautiful!


  3. Oh soooo fun! You all looked fantastic :)
    Praying you're getting time to wind down now that the holidays are over.


  4. Sounds wonderful!!!!! We have started doing "experiences" instead of gifts for birthdays--may consider that for Christmas as well :) My mom takes something called Migrelief every day to combat her chronic migraines and now she rarely gets a migraine, and if she does it is a lower intensity. Here's a link on amazon:

    Thinking of you!!


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