
Thursday, April 11, 2013

Easiest Infinity Scarf Ever! A Tutuorial

If you can sew a relatively straight line, this is the infinity scarf project for you! All you need is a longish fabric scarf, a sewing machine, and the ability to hold your fabric together to sew a more or less straight line.

Step !: Choose your scarf. I have several that just aren't long enough to tie off and have them look nice. This pink one is one of them.
Line up the ends of your scarf with the right side of the fabric facing inward. Anchor under your machine foot and stitch a straight line down your fabric as close to the edge as possible. Or you can pin your fabric to hold it in place if you fear it's going to shift too much while running it through your machine.
When you are finished, your scarf will have no beginning and no end except for the seam line. You can then carefully iron the seam flat so it is even less visible. I didn't because I was going to wear it right away and knew it would be hidden by my messy hair.

There you have it! The easiest infinity scarf ever! Really, you don't even need a machine to make it. You could just hand stitch down the end too.


  1. Wow that's great! I have a piece of peachish fabric that I could use. I've worn it before as an infinity scarf, but just tied the end and put the knot behind my neck & under my hair.

    Thanks for the tutorial!

  2. This is a great idea!!!! Thanks!!


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