
Thursday, February 21, 2013

Tubing is Great Winter Fun!

Finding fun and reasonably affordable winter things to do for a large family is to say the least difficult if not virtually impossible.

Skating tends to get boring after awhile. Tobogganing gets tiring continually running up the hill, and sometimes just feels a little dangerous. Cross country skiing is one we haven't tried as a family, but I seem to have balance issues. (Funny to watch.) I'm also guessing that to outfit the nine of us would be a little astronomical in price.

Skiing although loved by those of us who have had the pleasure of being able to go, is very fun, but there is an eleven year age span between our oldest and youngest children and there is the fact that renting, let alone, purchasing equipment is very pricey for seven growing children. Add into that traveling (because there is nothing really worth skiing less than about five hours away), food, and accommodations, and we have a recipe for financial disaster.

Last weekend however, we discovered that tubing is pretty affordable. It's still not cheap, but it can be affordable. It's close enough that we don't even have to eat out. We just have to bring lots of food or the teenagers will start gnawing on the seat backs of the van they're so hungry!  It encompasses all ages -- even us old farts ;o) and the little ones because there is a magic carpet to ride to the top of the hill for when our old(er) legs or their short little legs don't want to make the trek to the top of the hill.

 Bub's friend riding off into the sunset.
Bub's turn! 
 Friend's of ours waiting patiently in line. The other hill was being groomed because the speeds were getting too fast, so the lines were rather long for a little while.
Four of the Fantastic Five and they are called by those of us who know them well.
 Another friend keeping some of the Littles entertained while we wait.
Still more friends!
 Some of the kids racing down.
The Dynamic Duo. Yes, that's the chicken hat!
 I said the one hill was fast, right?
 They're even open until 10:00 pm!

We didn't take our two youngest on this trip (just lots of our older children's friends), but we will know for next time that even our two youngest will be happy to go with us too.

What do you like to do for affordable winter fun?


  1. that looks like!!!!! :)

  2. Sure looks like fun to me! And - oh boy - I've never seen a magic carpet, but that sounds like a GREAT deal. When we go tubing we WALK back up. (Though that does wear them out quicker ;D)


  3. Wow! That looks like a lot of fun! Cold, too!
    At the park by our house, some kids were trying to use up the last of the snow. Cute!
    I hope you are feeling well!

  4. I have to admit that the mild Texas winters don't change our activities very much. Snow is a rare treat for us :-)

  5. Your pictures were those faces, and the slopes.

    As for winter fun...we are just glad if we get any snow at all. Today was 60 degrees, the day before that it was 34 degrees. Very variable weather to say the least.


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