
Friday, February 8, 2013

Teenager Number Three!

We are blessed to have another teenager in the house today. We are loving the teenage years with our children. They're so fun and interesting!

 Age 7

 She's our musician, our student, our perfectionist, and a bone of contention for her brother. Sometimes a smart first born and and smart third born have a difficult time getting along -- especially when they both love to be right.

She loves bright colours. Her favorite colour is yellow. I call her my sunshine and rainbows girl. Almost always happy, that's just who she is.

Today we get to enjoy a snow day on her birthday. She has mixed feelings about that. It was to be her special day at school, she's supposed to have her best friend over later today. We'll see what the weather does as the day progresses. For now I'm thinking cupcakes and birthday presents.

 Age 12

Happy Birthday, Beans!! We love you lots!!


  1. Happy Birthday!
    I hope you have a great day!
    Emily and Libby

  2. Yay for teenagers! Aren't they great?!? Have a great day celebration God's unique and beautiful creation of Beans :-)

  3. Teenagers are fantastic! :)

    Happy Birthday to her! She looks so much like you...those eyes; just so gorgeous! Hope her special was fun even if it was spent at home. That's what happened to me too, so at least she wasn't sick. :)


  4. Happy Birthday, Beautiful Beans x

  5. How exciting! Happy birthday, Beans!

  6. Happy birthday to your daughter!! (belated, I know) :)

  7. It seems as if this online "friendship" you and I share has so many highlights. I believe I have observed all your childen, thus far, turn thirteen. Wonderful...Wonderful!

    Happy (belated) Birthday to your lovely daughter...


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