
Friday, January 18, 2013

Five Facts for Friday

Just a quick post because I have a lot to do today. Somehow this week got away on me and I have accomplished very little.

 1) I love alliteration :o).

2) "Pride goeth before the fall." Yep, it does. I have always been secretly a little pride filled that my kids are never sick with anything more than the odd cold. Even last year with three new bodies in the house (who promptly contracted chicken pox), we just had our usual rounds of sniffles and coughs with the exception of one child who did have strep/pneumonia. This year, three have missed at least one day of school (so far), and I'm pretty sure the end is not in sight for a while yet. The Engineer says its because we haven't been diligent about our homeopathic meds this year. He could be right, but I've also heard it's the worst winter ever for illness, so I guess this year even my kids aren't immune.

 3) Aside from the plethora of illness, I am loving this winter. Snow for Christmas, mild sunny days, crisp sunny days, lots of sun in general to make for great afternoon walks. This cubby Momma and her chubby puppy have been taking advantage of the beautiful weather for long walks (up and down the lane).

 4) I started the ball rolling this week to have all three Littles have their hearing tested. We have legitimate reason to believe that Bright Eyes does have some sort of hearing issue. Thank you, Julie for encouraging me to have all three checked.

5) Ever notice how you are always dealing with some sort of behavior issue/annoying phase with at least one child? Even with seven of them, it still goes in rotation here. On occasion, there may be more than one, but mostly it's still one at a time. Right now, it's Peanut -- or perhaps I should say Princess Peanut. Grrrr, she is being so disobedient these days.

Since a post is rather boring without a photo, here is a photo that brings back LOTS of memories. It's been just a little over a year and a half that we were there. What an incredible country!

Happy weekend!



  1. So glad your winter has been beautiful! We are certainly enjoying the cold weather and soaking it up to last us for the next several years :-)

  2. Hope everyone is feeling well soon. And YES, isn't it true that we're always dealing with at least ONE kid's behavior... well, better than all at once, I guess!


  3. I hope everyone is feeling better soon. It's been a hard hitting winter for sickness for pretty much everyone I know, my family included.

    I hope the hearing tests go well (or at least get you some answers!).


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