
Saturday, July 21, 2012

Perfectly Summer

I dreamed this past winter of a hot summery summer and boy have we had that this year. The kids have done nothing, but swim and play outdoors, or lay about reading. Sometimes it's just too much though. With temperatures in the 90's Fahrenheit and a humidex to match, I begin to wilt. We haven't had heat and humidity like this for a good number of years. I was actually beginning to think that there was something wrong with me -- until I heard that more people were feeling the same way. I am very thankful for our central air conditioning!

Eventually,  the heat finally breaks for a day or few and we drop back into the 80's Fahrenheit and just the right amount of humidity. We fling all the windows wide open. On those days, I enjoy listening to the children chatter as they play outdoors or as they splash about in the pool. I usually take the opportunity to do some baking -- mostly loaves as I can double or quadruple recipes and freeze them in hope that they will last until the next cooler spell.

We had a good rain the other day and the lawn has greened up a bit again. It has been so dry this year though, that I have even lost some of my perennials. Out of desperation, we water our vegetable garden. We're not on a well, and live close enough to one of the Great Lakes, that we won't have to endure a water ban either. Our water bill will just be very large. Ugh!! The garden is thriving. It's time for another pick of Swiss chard, cukes will be ready for eating any day now, and there are the beginnings of ripening cherry tomatoes. Yum! We eat those like candy!

Aside from running to the pool for 8 am three days a week, things are pretty quiet. I am relishing it. When the heat gets to be too much, I work on the basement. We've done some painting and rearranging in the past few weeks. I'll give a peek when it's all done which will be awhile yet, but it's looking good! I'm happy. It's just the right kind of busy right now. My introverted self is enjoying being home with only the occasional visit to or from friends.

I awoke early this morning to sunshine and cool temps. The lawn was soaked with dew. I had the foresight to put a load of wash in before bed and set the timer. It was ready to hang out by 7 am and I relished the feel of the early morning sun on my face as I hung the never ending load of towels. Devotions in the quiet with a cup of coffee. Life is good :o)!!

Are you finding little snatches of time to enjoy summer?



  1. Welcome to our weather world dear friend! With the exception that our cool down doesn't materialize until late September or early October.
    I'm thrilled that your summer is going so well and that you are into a very nice routine. Think of you often and pray for you fervently.
    Hugs and loads of love

  2. I'm glad your family is living it up in the summertime sun! I BET you wash towels! I was just thinking today that my "towel laundry" is a piece of cake now!
    Happy days, dear Deborah!

  3. Sounds like a LOVELY summer, wilting and all! (And believe me, I'd be wilting right there with you... or in the pool!) And with seven kids, who need playdates?


  4. Sounds like you're all enjoying these warm months! We also have had very hot days. I am jealous you have a pool. :)

    I've enjoyed quite a few books this summer, and a new 50 day devotional. It gives me a sense of peace, when I'm all alone in nook somewhere reading.

    Tell everyone hello, and enjoy that sun!

  5. Sounds like you're having a really lovely summer aside from the heat none of us are enjoying. I wanted to get a good bit of reading done this summer, but it hasn't happened. I feel like I'm always on the go between archery camp, tkd 4x a week, and art classes.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I love to hear from my readers!