
Friday, June 1, 2012

A Shout Out for Moms of (Teenage) Boys

I just finished reading a great resource about raising sons through the teenage years. Since I only have one boy, I kind of think I have to get it right the first time round :o). Shaping the Man Inside Teenage Boys! by Bill Beausay is an excellent read! He is thorough, honest, and straightforward.  His words are directed to Mom and Dad, intact parent families, and single parent families alike.

He covers topics such how to put yourself in charge, teen disclipine, coping strategies for arguments and rebellions (one of my favorite chapters), sexuality, chivalry, girls, being learners, the power of music and sports, and spirituality, to name just a few things.

There is also a question and answer section to the big troublesome teenage issues. Most importantly, he reminds us as parents that even though we mess up, God's grace still covers us. Assurance indeed!!

If you have boys entering or in the teenage years, I highly recommend this book! In fact I've decided I need to purchase it, it's such a good resource!



  1. Sounds like a good book. When our kids were teens, I had them read "Do Hard Things" by the Harris brothers. Do you know that one? Excellent and inspiring.

  2. Good recommendation! Especially coming from a great mom :D


  3. sounds really good. I have 4 sons. 2 that are adults. Well my oldest is soon to be 27 and married. My 2nd son is 19. Then my youngest two are 10 & 8.

    We also love Do Hard Things.

    I just finished reading Vicki Courtney's book "5 Conversations You Need to have with your son." Excellent book. I think every parents should read it. Talks so much about "just talking" to our kids. Start when they are young and talk. I find that when I go in to their room before bed and the lights are dim they tend to really open up. I do not fuss at everything they do... either.

    wow I am rambling. Sorry. Love this post.


  4. Hmmmm I think I need to look into this one! [o= Thank you so much for sharing this with us.

    Blessings and ((HUGS))


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